This is probably the most heart-rendering chapter of Karbala. When Imam Zainul abideen was asked about the most difficult time he faced in the entire event of Karbala he said Asham! Asham! Asham. Imagine the lonely Imam digging the grave in that dungeon which Imam described as a place which neither protected from heat nor cold while Zainab was holding the body. This grave was meant for his 4 year old sister Sukaina bint a-lHussain about whom Hussain (A.S) had said "that house is not worth living in which there is no Sakina". That darling child of her father and beloved of her uncle Abbas ibn Ali who asked Hussain not to take his body back to the tents as he cannot face Sakina who was sure that her uncle will definitely come back with water and had gathered all children around her in anticipation. We cry for you O! little princess of our's. We promise you that although Abbas was unable to bring water for you on that fateful day we will forever try to quench your thirst by ...