
Showing posts from March, 2011


There have recently been un-precedented upheavals in The Middle East and it seems that there is a wave engulfing the whole region a sort of virus. How does it effect us? Middle East traditionally has been a region with the greatest "democratic defecit" in the world. It is ruled by hereditary monarchs or dictators who almost invariably remain head of states till death or disability makes them absolutely functionless. Everybody is hailing it as a healty sign of reform and change. There is a definite need of reform and change in the region but it is easy said than done. There are vested interests and powers who are working behind the scene to infleunce the outcome according to their interests. What one would like is that the region emerges from this choas with stability and systems responsive to the needs of the people as well as needs and interests of the Muslim Ummah at large. As of now it does not appear to be so. The systems in Egypt and Tunisia have remained the same with a...