21st October 2012, 4th Dhul Hijah 1433 Bismillah-i-Rehman-i-Raheem I visited The Islamic Republic of Iran from 11th to 20th October. Let me be clear and unambiguous at the outset. I am a staunch supporter of the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Revolution. Therefore my analysis will be from my own viewpoint with a belief that anything which is against the principles of Islamic Revolution is not good. Thus you may call it a "biased" report but this is what it is. I am here not as an independent journalist giving an unbiased, independent assessment of the situation. I right this report with two characteristics one as a supporter of the revolution and one as a follower of Ahl-ul-Bait. Islamic Revolution of Iran holds a special place in my life because it occurred at a time when I was in the prime of my youth, 20 years of age to be more precise. The influence that it had on me and many other young people at that time is beyond description. As I have said in an earlier p...