MESS- NAMED KASHMIR Was in Kashmir recently for about 15 days. Kashmir is recovering from two major events which occured recently: the devastating flood of Sep 2014 and the elections which led to formation of a co-alation government of PDP and the Hindu nationalist BJP. During my stay in Srinagar the "beautiful" summer capital of Kashmir there was a scare of another deluge and I was able to watch the scene. I could not find a better heading for my post then the one I have selected " MESS-NAMED KASHMIR". I visited Jawahar Nagar once a posh, high-end locality of the city of Srinagar where two of my cousins are rebuilding their houses as their ancestral house was damaged by the floods. This once bubbling and thriving locality is now nothing but a ghost-colony. Same is true about the other two nearby localities of Rajbagh and Gogji Bagh. A few hou...