I feel really concerned about the events in Iran. The post-election violence has really damaged the image of the country and made the enemies of the Islamic Republic very happy. I don't know the exact picture. The reporting both for and against can be biased. We cannot depend on the reports and analysis of western media because we know that they are biased against the system in Iran and obviously what is reported in the official media is also biased. However we can draw some conclusions from the facts we know. First if someone challenges the authority of the Leader it is clear that he does not subscribe to the concept of "Vilayat-e-faqih" because that concept demands an absolute obedience to the leader. Therefore if Mr. Mousavi continues to go ahead with street protests he brings himself in direct confrontation with the system and thus makes it clear that he has moved to the next level i,e challenging the system itself. I think that Mr.Mousavi has already crossed the red-line and decided to go ahead with a direct confrontation. I have no doubt that he is seen going to see the wrath of the system falling on him. I found the speech of Ayatollah Khamnei in Friday Prayers very balanced. He was very logical and balanced. If Mr. Mousavi thinks that the elections have been rigged he should take recourse to legal means available to him. By not attending the meeting called by the Gaurdians Council he has made it very clear that he has no regard for the legal system in place and he should therefore accept no concessions. He is treading a dangerous path. It is the path of confrontation. Imam Kamnei in his speech described Mr. Mousavi as part of the Islamic establishment saying that he had been the prime-minister of the Islamic Republic. However by ignoring the appeal of the leader to find recourse to legal ways he has taken a very dangerous route which may lead to turmoil and instability in the region.


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