This is a humble request to the mourners of Aba Abdullah (A.S). I recently saw a blogspot meant to "expose the shias" which aims at depicting shias as some people outside the fold of Islam and carrying out acts which as per the author not only violate laws of Islamic Sharia but also violate the laws of basic humanity. I know that these are basically Wahabi elements who are rabidly anti-shia and I agree to the fact that no amount of persuasion and decent talk is going to change them. Should we completely ignore them? Yes we should ignore them we need not reply them but I feel that self-introspection is still needed. We need to be sure that we donot do any act which brings disrepute to the name of Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S). Among the many pictures shown there majority show mourners without clothes with blood spilling everywhere from their body. I know this has become a very sensitive issue especially after the fatwa of Ayatollah Khamnei regarding Kuma Zani. My request to my brothers is to think about it. Just think whether any of our actions even if we do it with utmost sincerity is not harming our school of thought. Think why the Rehbar came out with this edict. Do you think he does not love Imam Hussain (A.S)? Do you think he is not concerned about azadari? Do you think any of the Shias of Aba Abdillah can be against azadari? Never. We just request you to be prudent. Don't give those who are your opponents (and believe me there are plenty of them) to project a negative image of your school by any of your acts. I know we have been doing this for many years. People ask if it was not haram then how can it be haram now? The answer is that this is the whole beauty and concept of Marjiyat of which we Shias are proud of. When Ayatollah shirazi understood the poltical significance of Tobacco Law which the Shah of Iran had passed giving the exclusive rights of Tobacco grwth in Iran to British companies he came out with fatwa making any activity related to Tobacco including it's growth, it's sale' it's trade and its consumption haram equating it to waging war with Imam Zamana and see the result. Even the Shah himself was unable to get any tobacco for his personal use. This is Marjiyat? No one challanged him. My dear respected brothers and mourners of Imam Hussain please don't weaken this vital institution by your actions. Believe me this is our life-line and our enemies know it. That is why people like Al-Oreifi used such vulgar language against Ayatollah Sistani bcause he felt threatened by the total obedience which the government and people of Iraq showed towards him. Please think again next tiome you go for Quma Zani. May Allah continue to keep the flame of the love of Imam Hussain burning in our hearts and may he make us the true followers of the Holy Imam who make him proud and not the ones who (Nouzbillah) bring disrespect to him and his school by their actions. We are not doing all this to please these Wahabi elements because we all know that they cannot be convinced. They are ignorant, arrogant people who are out there to eradicate the memory of Ahlul Bait and nothing short of that. We do it simply as a result of our continous response to changing scenerios in the world which is implied in our belief and trust in the institution of Marjiyat.


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