The events which took place in Karachi on the day of Ashura when a suicide bomber martyred more than 40 people commemorating the martyrdom of Aba Abdillah (A.S) is indeed a sad event which naturally made the momineen all over the world sad. This is not the first time this has occured. This is the continuation of the same event which took place in Karbala 1370 years ago and even before that. This is a result of jeoulsy and envy. When Imam Hussain (A.S) addressed the army of Umar Saad and try to made them realise his merits both in terms of lineage and actions they readily agrred to it but they said "We accept all this but we fight you and kill you out of the jeolusy we feel for your father, the Commander of Faithful Ali-ibn-Abitalib (A.S). This is therefore the crux. Whenever you go to buy something say apples from the market you selct the best and reject the others thus you divide them into two groups called in Urdu language as "chunnay huway" and "chatay huway". This is a tussle between these two groups and their followers which in fact started even before Karbala when Allah selected Holy Prophet (SAWW) as his Choosen Messanger. The Quraish aristocracy felt rejected and thus tried their best to stop the message of Islam from spreading. They continued to do so till last when they were finally defeated when muslim captured Mecca. These forces then changed their tactics. Their status vis a vis Islam has been beautifully summed up by Prophet's companion the respectable Ammar bin Yasir (who by the way was martyred during Battle of Siffin fighting for Imam Ali againt Mowiya bin Abusufyan). When someone told Ammar that Abusufyan and Mowiya had accepted Islam he replied "Don't say they accepted Islam say they surrendered to Islam". For us this is an important distinction which implied that they simply changed tactics their goals remained the same. It is the same Ammar who pointed to this aspect at another time when a person came to Imam Ali and told him that he had left his home convinced that Ali (A>S) was on the right but when he reached Siffin he got confused because he found muslims and companions on both sides. Imam Ali referred him to Ammar for the answer. When Ammar heard his quetion he replied, "Do you see this flag and the people holding it (referring to Muwaiyas Commander Amr al Aaas, I have fought many battles against them under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW)". What Ammar wanted to convey is that only the outside form has changed the motives, goals and prejudices are the same. Why I wrote this long preface is to make it clear that we as Shias will never be deterred by these tactics because we clearly know who are the people responsible for and why they do so. As for those who were martyred in Karachi we are clear that they are not to be pitied they are to be envied, We Shias always say "O Aba Abdillah! We wish we were present at Karbala we would have achieved the same Exalted Position (Muqaman Mahmooda) as you and your companions achieved". What can be more soothing for these mourners if Imam that they achieved these Exalted States without even being present in Karbala. So who is to be pitied. The person to be pitied I believe is the person who cariied out this henious crime. When I saw his mutilated body I felt pity for him. This man gave his life like those who he martyrede but while they attained Exalted Status this poor man, misguided by his misguided masters attaine nothing but Hellfire. What a misery.
We as Shias of Imam Ali know that this is not the last time such an event will occur. This is our history, this is our inheritance and this is our pride. We know that whenever such an event occurs it only proves our moral, and intellectua; superiority over our adversories. Since they cannot confront us on these levels so they tend to eliminate us. But this is my message for them that there is only one way that they will succeed and that is by killing every single Shia on this earth because even if one of us is left he will continue to love and remember the Holy Prophet and his Noble Progeny the name of whom our adversories want to eradicate.


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