The current situation in Kashmir is causing lot of pain, sadness and distress in me. Being a father myself I can feel the pain of the parents of those young ones who are being killed daily mostly teenagers. No words can be enough to condemn this brutality. India is such a vast country with so much of resources there is no doubt that these killings are entirely preventable if sensible mob control strategies and techniques are used. The problem here is of the mind-set of the para-military forces. They are behaving as typical occupying forces like the zionists. They consider these stone-pelting youths as enemies and seccionists and retaliate. It is possible that sometimes they use firearms in self-defence when they are in real danger but this is no excuse you should be trained to tackle such situation and prevent such situation. The problem is again one of mindset because you don't find any real need of making sure no one is killed.
I was making my mind to give my view point on this whole issue for quite sometime. I personally do not subscribe to what is happening in Kashmir. I do recognise that majority of my dear countrymen feel frustated by the situation and want to get rid of India come what may but I beg to differ with this majority. I have been of the belief that the whole concept of partition of India on religous lines and creation of Pakistan was flawed and I believe that in that period of turmoil Maulana Abulkalam Azad's approach was more practical, more rational and would have been to the benefit of Muslims. Jinnah's approach (with due regards to his sincerity, and dedication) was wrong. The partition of India achieved nothing but division and weakening of Muslims and worked to the advantage of the Hindu majority. There is no surprise then that Maulana Azad in his biography blames Nehru and Patel for partition more than Jinnah. These shrewd and mature polticians knew that in undivided India Muslims will dominate and they will not be able to run the country according to their will. They could not say so openly because of the official anti-partition stance of Indian National Congress but Jinnah came to them as a blessing in disguise. Although outwardly they were staunch anti-partionists but they did everything to make sure that Jinnah got what he demanded. This partition divided the Muslims of sub-continent into three groups and thus weakened them while as the Hindu majority not only remained intact but became substantially stronger. The greatest flaw which Jinnah's theory had was that although he was the leader of all the muslims he had no plan for those muslims who would invariably be left behind although it was obvious that substantial number of muslims would be left behind and Mr. Jinnah simply ignored them and left them to face the wrath of a nation which he himself had polarised on religous lines. Besides his theory was completely demolished when erstwhile East Pakistan revolted and the response of Pakistani army was ruthless. What Pakistan army did in Bangladesh and what the tribal warriors did in Kashmir is in no way less and is infact much greater and shameful then what India is doing now. And I have no hesitation to say with considerable certainity and historical support that if Kashmiris would have been revolting against Pakistan the response would have been far more severe and ruthless then what we are seeing today in Kashmir. I have worked with many Pakistanis and I could sense their hatred of Kashmiris and this is a fact which most other people who have had experience of working with them will testify. If Kashmir had acceeded to Pakistan there would definitely be no Article 370 and the whole demography of Kashmir would have changed. I am not saying so without evidence. What they have done in Gilgit and Iskardu is a testimony enough to this fact. They have changed the whole demography of the place to suit their interests. The current state of affairs in Pakistan is a clear indication of the total failure of Jinnah's ideology. He sought to carve out a muslim state where muslims would live free from hindu hagemony and look what he created a demon which has all the ingredients of a failed state in total choas. No one seems to be in control, institutions lie shattered, mindless, sectarian hatred seems to be rampant. The state is not only a danger for itself it has become a threat and danger to the whole world. It has become a factory and breeding ground for extremist, sectarian, terrorist ideology which poses a threat to whole of the civilised world not only non-muslims but to muslims also. Thus as far as I am concerned Pakistan option is the worst possible scenario that can happen to Kashmiris. I have full respect for Geelani Sahab for his dedication and steadfastness but his view of Kashmir's accession to Pakistan will be in my opinion a disaster. So I say sorry to my brethren who are protesting against India with accession to Pakistan in their mind. I simply feel that even if you may be in majority ,which I believe is not the case as was evident by the Chatam House survey which showed that only 2% of people wanted Kashmir's accession to Pakistan, I tend to differ with you. I find not a single genuine reason why Kashmir should opt for accession with Pakistan. If you play the religous card let me tell you Pakistanis have yet to come to a conclusion who qualifies to be a muslim. If you have any doubt read the Muneer report. This I believe is one of the most important and eye-opening piece of evidence of CONFUSION NAMED PAKISTAN. Besides there are as many Muslims in India as in Pakistan and althuogh I agree that their situation is not particularly good as was evident by the Sachar committee report and as I am seeing for myself but I believe that they are still in a much better position than those in Pakistan and I beleve that their condition is not an arguement for partition it only once again proves the disastrous consequences of that event on muslims of subcontinent. When I say so I feel saddened for that country which had the potential of becoming a model Islamic State and a strong Pakistan would have strengthened Muslims in India also. It is so sad that today this country lies in shambles and still the people, the government and the army continue to live in delusion. I would like to close my comments on this shattered dream with what Voltaire said for Prussia "Every state has an army and in Pakistan army has a state". A very sad state of affairs which should be reason enough for every balanced and sensible Kashmiri who has some love for his country and some concern for it's future generations to say an equally vehement no to Pakistan. be continued


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