I don't know whether it is only my imagination but somehow I get a feeling that I may be nearing my final exit and it is really worrying that I don't find myself prepared and ready for it as yet. If one does not find oneself ready for the meeting with his Lord then one can be sure that things are not going right for him and the same thing applies in my case. Things have not been right and it has been a failure and a missed opportunity. I don't know what to do now. I may not have the time and the opportunity to set things right now. However I feel that we as Shias of the Ahlul Bait are a blessed and lucky lot because of the presence of the Holy Imams of the Prophet's Household and off course the personality of Imam Hussain (A.S) stands out prominantly. He has been called by the Holy Prophet as "Misbah ul huda wa Saffinat ul Najat" (the lamp of guidance and the ship of deliverance). I looked at Karbala to see if I had any hope and suddenly one character in the whole saga shone out brightly and my heart recieved hope and tranquility. That character is that of Hurr ibn Yazid Ar-Rihaee. The story of Hurr gives hope to people like me that we should not loose hope once we come into the shade of Ahlulbait and return to them. They are the ones responsible for leading us back to Allah and their intercession is the one which keeps us hopeful. I turn to Allah for accepting my repentance because we as Shias of Ahlul Bait have to be the most strict and pure Monotheists. We are the Shias of Imam Ali (A.S) and I believe that the World has yet to see a Monotheists of his rank (If you disagree then read Dua Kumayl). So we the followers of Imam Ali are Monotheists by default and we cannot be anything else. We make sure that we firmly guard this distinction and valuable possesion we have. However unlike the Wahabis we don't believe that Monotheism by necessity means denigrating the Holy Prophet and his Progeny. Holding the Holy Prophet and his Ahlulbait in high esteem and loving them is the essence of Monotheism. This is because these leaders are the ones who were the greatest Monotheists themselves and therefore necessarily lead their sincere followers to Monotheism. This is our concept of Shafaat and intercession and this is my only hope as I try to prepare myself for the final exit.


  1. In reply to your comment on my blog about Allama Khomeini:

    With all due respect, Dr. Hussain, I must disagree with your comment on Allama Khomeini and his book.

    I have not read it, but one does not judge a man by his words but by his actions. History is enough proof for me to understand that while Khomeini had a dream, it quickly turned into a disaster and method of oppression. Under his ruling, thousands of people died and were executed simply for disagreeing with his politics.

    This is not the ways of the Prophet (s) and the Ahlul Bayt (as). This is the way of the oppressors of our beloved Prophet (s) and his Ahlul Bayt (as). And I refuse to hold such a man in high esteem.

    Quite frankly, it may be a far stretch, but I see no difference between the insitution of velayat-e faqih Khomeini implemented and the caliphates of Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman.


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