Was  in Kashmir recently for about 15 days. Kashmir is recovering from two major events which occured recently: the devastating flood of Sep 2014 and the elections which led  to formation of a co-alation government of PDP and the Hindu nationalist BJP. During my stay in Srinagar the "beautiful" summer capital of Kashmir there was a scare of another deluge and I was able to watch the scene. I could not find a better heading for my post then the one I have selected "MESS-NAMED KASHMIR".
I visited Jawahar Nagar once a posh, high-end locality of the city of Srinagar where two of my cousins are rebuilding their houses as their ancestral house was damaged by the floods. This once bubbling and thriving locality is now nothing but a ghost-colony. Same is true about the other two nearby localities of Rajbagh and Gogji Bagh. A few households that had returned to their badly damaged houses and had managed to barely start their lives in shanty make-shift arrangements were forced to again flee in haste as the river Jehlum hit the danger mark and Govt declared flood alarm. It is really sad to see these once affluent and happy families being turned into perpetual refugees who run from one locality to another in search of temporary refuges. Many of the so-called professionals, technocrats, beaurucrats, intellectuals who in last 20 to 30 years determined the fate and destiny of Kashmir are at a loss to solve their own problem. Many of them have no idea what to do, whether to abandon the locality for good or to return. For someone who has seen the grandeur and majesty of the locality there is a lesson to learn from all this but none in Kashmir has seemed to have learnt anything from the episode. There seems to be no end to the misries of poor ordinary Kashmiris who struggle with their day to day affairs trying to somehow live a simple but normal life. I am not a member of any political party, please don't classify me as a separatist or a main-stream, I am an ordinary Kashmiri and think I definitely deserve a simple but comfortable life. As an ordinary Kashmiri does it really matter whether I am a Indian occupied or a Pakistani occupied Kashmiri. It does not whether I am occupied by India or Pakistani my status will not change. I will always have to remain satisfied with the 'Kajwat of Lal Ded" whether they sacrifice a "hund or a kath". This has been my state of affairs for hundreds of years now. I have been occupied by Mughals, Pathans. Dogras, Indians, Pakistanis with no difference. I have and will continue to remain same old "gareeb kashmiri". They often used this term in a satirical form but ir is actually the real state of affairs of this poor creature. 


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