"The Eternal Constitution of Quran" by Ayatollah Jaffer Subhani

Ayatollah Jaffer Subhani (May Allah prolong his life) has probably made the first comprehensive and organized effort at what has come to be known as "Thematic Exegesis of Quran". The traditional pattern of Quranic exegesis which forms the basis of almost all well known and famous exegesis of Quran is to start from the beginning of The Quran and explain the verses and surahs in the order in which they appear in The Book. Thus the exegesis starts with the first verse of Surah Fatiha and ends with the last verse of Surah Naas. Ayatollah Jaffer Subhani has attempted to change this trend. He takes the thematic approach wherein he selects a theme or a topic and then collects all the verses about this theme scattered all over the Quran and comes out with an overall coherent Quranic concept about the topic. This he calls as "exegesis of Quran by Quran itself". This is the background of the thematic approach of Holy Quran. The exegesis is published in Persian and I have the Urdu translation under the title "Quran ka Daimi Manshoor". I will try to elaborate the topics in English language. It is not the English translation but discussion of concepts in English language. My approach in this will be that the basic background writing is my own but the wordings of the teacher will be highlighted.
We the Shias of Imam Ali (A.S) base our Aqeedah and belief system on two pillars which according to a widely accepted tradition were designated as "two weighty  things" by The Holy Prophet (SAWW) himself. These weighty things are "the Holy Quran" and "the Prophet's pure and immaculate progeny". In this tradition The Holy Prophet (SAWW) promised that these two will never separate from one another till the Day of Judgment. It has been a great tragedy of the Ummah that they neglected this important piece of guidance about which the Holy Prophet had assured that "anyone who holds these two weighty things will never go astray". For reasons which are beyond the scope of this discussion majority of Muslims left The Progeny of Prophet (SAWW) immediately after his passing away. This is a historical fact and not any baseless polemical charge. Majority of Muslims immediately after the passing away of The Holy Prophet (SAWW) denied the Progeny of The Prophet (SAWW) this status which The Prophet (SAWW) had accorded to them as per this tradition. This in fact became clear even towards the end of the Prophet's life himself in the famous event of "black Thursday" wherein The Holy Prophet (SAWW) was prevented from writing down a direction which he said would ensure that the Ummah will not be mislead, surprisingly same wording which he used in the Tradition of Two weighty Things. This is a universally accepted historical event widely described in Books of Seerah written by both Shia and Sunni scholars. The reason given for not allowing the Holy Prophet (SAWW) to write down the direction is very revealing. He was told,"Hasbuna Kitab Allah (the book of Allah is sufficient for us)" by none other than Umar ibn Khatab, the second Caliph himself. This clearly showed that those who took charge of the affairs of  Muslims immediately after the passing  away of Holy Prophet (SAWW) clearly denied the status of the Prophet's progeny as a co-equivalent of Holy Quran. They clearly ignored this component of Hadith Thaqlayn. This trend established immediately after the passing away of Holy Prophet (SAWW) has continued till this time. This is however only one aspect. There is another tragedy and that is the fact that those who held to the Holy Progeny of Prophet (SAWW) after his passing away have over time neglected the Holy Quran. It is just like Umar ibn Khatab said hasbuna kitab Allah they say "hasbuna itrati wa ahl ul bayti". Just as the first group paid mere lip service to The Holy Progeny of the Prophet the other group did the same thing with the other weighty thing i.e, the Holy Quran. This trend has fortunately been reversed especially after the Islamic Revolution in Iran and there has been a spurt of Quranic research activity in the Shia world recently starting with the Ayatollah Khoei and then to monumental Tafsir al-Mizan of Allamah Tabatabei, Tafseer e Namoona of Ayatollah Muqaram al-Shirazi and Tafseer e Tasneem of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli. Ayatollah Jaffer Subhani's work which is under discussion is one of this activity.

                                                  QURAN AN ETERNAL MIRACLE 

The Prophethood is a link between the physical world and the metaphysical realm. A Prophet is usually selected by Allah as His Messenger to the mankind. Whenever anyone claims Prophethood he claims a direct link to Allah which is specific to him and is not shared by anyone else. It is but natural that people will ask for proofs and historically almost all the Prophets have been asked to perform miracles as a proof of their Prophethood. The reason and logic for this is very simple. This world is governed by "principle of cause and effect". There is nothing that happens in this physical realm which violates this principle. Everything which happens has a cause and follows certain laws. If you throw something up it will fall down following the Law of Gravity. Now if you claim a link with metaphysical realm and none else then The Ultimate Cause then he will have to produce a proof and the best proof is that he has to perform a miracle, which usually is an act which defies this principle of cause and effect. Thus one miracle would be if he is able to violate the Law of Gravity and ascend upwards without any outside aid. The Holy Quran itself gives examples of many miracles performed by various Prophets especially Prophet Musa (A.S) and Prophet Issa (A.S). It is but natural that when Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) declared his Prophethood the Meccans demanded proof in the form of miracles. Although there are reports of various miracles performed by Holy Prophet (SAWW) like the famous "Splitting of the moon" or "shaq ul qamr" as it is called in Seerah literature the greatest proof of his prophet hood which he put forth is something not limited to his time and something eternal and that is the Holy Quran. Ayatollah Jafar Subhani points to this fact in his introduction to his Tafseer. He says:
      "The Holy Quran is an eternal miracle of the Prophet of Islam (SAWW) and is a testimony of the truth of Islam till the Day of Judgement"
Then he points towards an important point. The Holy Prophet (SAWW) was a human being like all other human beings and was therefore subjected to physical laws of this world as far as his worldly life is concerned. Thus he like all other human beings had a limited life-span in this world. However Islam claims to be the last guidance which will not be superseded or abrogated till The Day of Judgment. This claim of Islam therefore needs to be substantiated by a miracle which will also be eternal and will out last the physical life span of the Holy Prophet (SAWW) and continue to be a proof of his Prophethood even after his passing away. Thus being an eternal religion Islam is in need of an eternal miracle and Holy Quran is this eternal miracle. As Ayatollah Jafar Subhani says:
          "The Prophethood of The Prophet of Islam (SAWW) is last and final and so his religion is eternal and ever-lasting. It is because of this that Allah (SWT) has revealed his religion with a miracle which does not become obsolete with time but remains shinning like a sun till eternity being unlimited in time and space and remove all sought of doubts from it's followers in all times to come"
This is in contrast to other Prophets whose miracles were limited in time and space. The miracles of Prophet Isa (AS) were limited to his periods. His miracle of bringing back dead to life was relevant to that particular time and space and could not serve as a proof for those who came after him. This is so because Christianity was not supposed to be an eternal religion. It was known that Christianity was to be abrogated and superseded by Islam and hence the miracles associated with Prophet Isa (AS) were not eternal miracles. This was not so with Islam. Although like all other religions Islam was also brought about by a Prophet who was a human being but being an eternal religion and the last and final message it was in need of a miracle which would also be eternal and Holy Quran is such a miracle.
Allamah Tabatabei has discussed this issue in his Al-Mizan under his exegesis of verse 24 of Chapter 2. The verse reads:
           "And if you are in doubt as to that which We have revealed to Our Servant, then produce a chapter like it and call on your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful. But if you do (it) not and never shall you do (it)- then be on guard against the fire of which men and stones are the fuel, it is prepared for the unbelievers"
Allamah Tabatabai says about this verse:
              " It is a challenge which human beings and jinn can never meet. This challenge has been offered to demonstrate the miracle of the Qur’ãn, to show that it is a Book
sent down by Allah, there is no doubt in it; that it has been revealed as an ever-lasting miracle that will remain alive till the end of the world".
 This is not the only place where The Holy Quran has thrown this challenge. This challenge has been repeatedly given by the Quran:
           Say: “If men and jinn should combine together to bring the like of this Qur’ãn, they could not bring the like of it, even though some of them were aiders of the others” 
 ( 1 7 : 8 8 ) .
         Or, do they say: “He has forged it?” Say: “Then bring ten chapters like it forged and call upon whom you can besides Allãh, if you are truthful" (11:13).
Although this challenge is eternal it has to be seen in temporal context as has been pointed by Allamah Tabatabai in his exegesis. This has to be seen in the context of following verse:
      " Say: “If Allãh had desired (otherwise) I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have taught it to you; indeed I have lived a lifetime among you before it; do you not then understand?” (10:16).
The Holy Prophet (SAWW) declared his Prophethood at the age of 40 years. The Meccans to whom this challenge is addressed primarily who were accusing Prophet of forgery knew him in side out. They knew that he didn't show any literary capabilities before revelation of Quran and could neither read nor write. This challenge becomes even more powerful if you see it in this context and the Meccans understood this argument. As Allamah Tabatabai says:
          " This Qur’ãn has been brought by a person who was never taught by any teacher, who had not learnt these valuable and marvelous truths from any human being, nor had he taken this most eloquent style from any mortal. If the disbelievers thought that such a man can write such a Book, then let them bring its like from some such illiterate man".
 This is the miracle of Holy Quran. Many people may make a mockery of the Holy Quran and say that it has this fault or that but the truth of the challenge becomes evident when you put the Holy Quran in its temporal and geographical context. This book was brought by a person who could neither read nor right, who was never taught by anyone and who till then had shown no literary or intellectual brilliance. It is in this context that the truth of this challenge regarding the miraculous nature of the Holy Quran becomes all the more obvious.




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