20 people have been killed in the attack launched by Israeli navy commandos on the Flotilla carrying aid to besieged Gaza citizens. Mind you that the attack took place in international waters the flotilla had not yet reached the Israeli territorial waters. Among the injured is the Sheikh Of Al-Aqsa mosque. How do I see this?
1) I believe this is a cool, well thought out and a calculated response on part of Israelis. This challenge to their authority by free-lance activists was becoming a constant source of irritation and embarrasment for them. They therefore wanted to send a clear message to the peace activists that from henceforth they mean business. This is to discourage any such future incursions. They want to tell the world that they are not going to tolerate such an activity whatever the consequences.
2) Nobody can conceptualize that Israeli's are so naieve as to not know the reaction to this act but they are acting on the basis of previous experience. They know that as far as palestinians, muslims, and Arabs are concerned they are to weak and meek to pose any real existential threat to Israel. Israelis have never given any importance to them and rightly so. Some of them like Egypt are direct partners to Israel in the siege of Gaza. Others are too weak to be of any consequence. The response from them is quite predictable. They will issue statements of condemnation may be call an emergency meeting of Arab League, and tis will go on for sometime and finally it is business as usual. As far as those who matter i,e the so called Western Powers their response is also predictable. They will also condemn the act and although they have the power and capability of damaging Israel but Israeli's know that this will never happen. These countries are like "Big Brothers". They will just pull the ears of their "naughty" younger brother and that is it.
Friends we Muslims are in real trouble. How do we react? We are confrnted with a powerful and a shrewed enemy. We are confronted with a hypocrisy of highest standard. Mr. Obama and his international mouth-piece Lady Clinton wants us to believe that Israel is a democratic state which although has not signed NPT can still be trusted with nuclear weopons even if it's record including present action speaks aginst this. Israel is a state which has been artificially created and implanted and thus is in a perpetual threat of being rejected and rightly so, and such a state is dangerous to be trusted with nuclear weapons because anytime it feels that it's existence is in jeopordy it will use them. Because of it's relationship with the West it has gone unharmed and untouched even after coming crimes against hamanity which ar much henious than the present one including collective punishment of entire population, use op phosphorous bombs, assasination of opponents not only in terrotories under it,s occulation but in countries geographically far removed like Syria, Dubai. Inspite of this Mr. Obama wants us to belueve that Israel can be trusted with weopons wheras Iran which is a signitory of NPT and is under surveillance of IAEA should be sanctioned because of it's refusal to give up it's peaceful nuclear programme. Hypocrisy of highgrade. Does Mr. Change of America has the guts to stand up and ask for sanctions against the Zionist State. We no he will never do it even if he wishes it because he cannot risk his job which is dependent upon the powerful Zionist Lobby in US. Add to this two major weak points he has 1) he is a black and ) he carries "Hussain" as his middle name. What about Mr. Sarzoky? For him this might not be a serious enough event to c tke cognizance of. He has a more important and task of civilisational proportions to attend to. He is in serious business of "liberating the Muslim women fron oppression of Burqa" even if they don't need and have never asked for his help. What about the German Chancellor. Well the poor lady she cannot say anything because her country is the original perpetuator of that great crime aginst Jews which goes by the name of "HOLOCAUST" the sacred cow of modern Western Civilisation against which you speak a word and you are finished for ever like our poor brother Ahmadinejad. We come to that great master of treachery and deciet which is the root cause of this whole dispute i,e Britain. It is not surprising that the British foreign Secretrary has already "condemned " Israeli action making sure to blame the organisers of the Flotilla for having taken an "unwise approach" to break Gaza rather then begging and pleading the Israelis. What Hypocrisy!!!!.
Dear brothers it is time for Muslims to reflect. Where do we stand? The moderates and apologetics should come out of illusion thst West is going to be of any help whatever is to be done has to be done by Muslims themselves. But be aware of the other extreme the so-called Al-Qaeda who profess to fight the American Impearilism but have lead the Ummah to a fatricidal sectarian war having killed more Muslims then Non-Muslims. Yhey have inflicted more damage to Islam and Muslims then all the outside powers have not been able to do for centeuries by having sown the seeds of hatred, sectarianism, intolerance, terrorism in the Islamic polity. Time to take stock and say a polite but firm no to both of them


  1. Salam Alikum,
    first of all thank u for posting such a debatable
    topic on your take on this will be as follows....
    whatever we do about it we need to maintain brotherhood amongs't ourselves which hardly exists between has to be a united effort like the western countries...this is the place where we lack behind and until and unless its not countered such incidents will keep on happening....


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