We prepare to commemorate the martyrdom of the grandson of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and they prepare to kill us. We just want to cry for Imam Hussain (A.S) and they want to prevent us from doing so. How does our crying effect them? If we are commemorating an event which is not recent and does not concern them then why are they angry with us? They say Karbala was merely a poltical battle between two persons and has no religous significane. O.K then why are you afraid? What makes you so uneasy? If few thousand mad people are commemorating an event which took place more than 1400 years ago and insist on crying, hurting themselves beating their chests how is it harming you? Just leave them alone, and they will fizzle out. Yesterday a 20 year old suicide bomber blew himself up in Kohat killing 20 people most of them shia women and children at a bus stop. What did you tell this 20 year old suicide bomber and how did you motivate him to do what he did? What danger did these women and children pose to you, your ideology or your "Islam"? These are important questions which beg an answer. Does anyone have an answer? Yes there is an answer and it is obvious. The answer is that you have no answers. You have no answers to the questions raised in these mournings. you have no answers to the awkward questions which make you uneasy. And when you have no answer what is the only altenative left to you. Try and silence those who raise these questions by simply blowing them up. And to the suicide bomber you promise the paradise and the hooris for killing innocent women and children. But remember the attempts to silence the mourners of Aba Abdullah are not something new. They are as old as the event itself. But it is 1400 years now and these attempts have failed. Failure is your destiny. Try as much as you can you will fail in your attempt. You will get tired of martyring us but we will not get tired of being martyred because this is and has been your way and this is and has been our way. While we achieve martyrdom you and your suicide bombers achieve hell. So while we prepare to commemorate the martyrdom of the grandson of our Prophet as well as your Prophet (PBUH) you make plans to blow us up. Killed we may be, we may be blown to pieces but we will continue to cry and mourn. You continue to burn in anger and frustration. While we achieve martyrdom and Jannah we congratulate you for your death and hellfire.


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