
Showing posts from May, 2011


Personally I have no problems with Wahabis. There are so many viewpoints in Islam and I don't think taht there is any problem with this. It is natural that every sect thinks that it is the original Islam. There are Shias with multiple sub-sects like Ithna Ashrite, Zaidis, Ismailis, Bohras; there are sunnis with hanafis, Malikis, Shafis, Hanbilis. In India there are the Barelivis and Deobandis; there are Sufis; there are Ahmadis and all of them claim to the original Islam. Why shoul we therefore worry about Wahabis? As I said ideally we should not be concerned as they can be taken as one amongst so many. However this is not so because of the basic difference of approach and methodology, Wahabis or Salafis as they prefer to be called, have all the right to have their ideology but what is worrying is their method. Their methodology has following characteristics: 1) Takfiri Tendency: The Wahabis openly profess takfir on anyone who does not accept their interpretation. They label other...