Personally I have no problems with Wahabis. There are so many viewpoints in Islam and I don't think taht there is any problem with this. It is natural that every sect thinks that it is the original Islam. There are Shias with multiple sub-sects like Ithna Ashrite, Zaidis, Ismailis, Bohras; there are sunnis with hanafis, Malikis, Shafis, Hanbilis. In India there are the Barelivis and Deobandis; there are Sufis; there are Ahmadis and all of them claim to the original Islam. Why shoul we therefore worry about Wahabis? As I said ideally we should not be concerned as they can be taken as one amongst so many. However this is not so because of the basic difference of approach and methodology, Wahabis or Salafis as they prefer to be called, have all the right to have their ideology but what is worrying is their method. Their methodology has following characteristics:
1) Takfiri Tendency: The Wahabis openly profess takfir on anyone who does not accept their interpretation. They label other Islamic sects as infidels or mushriks and believe that only they are muslims. They call themselves Salafis believing that they are the followers of Salf or first muslims and all others are heretics, mushriks, or infidels.
2) Opposition to Ecumenical Approach: You will find most of these Wahabis strongly oppose any attempts at Taqrib. They will always be at the forefront of sectarian and polemical tendencies making sure that any attempts to try and bring the various sects of closer to one another fail. I have yet to see a Wahabi/Salafi talking about taqrib.
3) Resort to force and violence: Throghout their history, right from the onset they have resorted to force and violence. This is their instrument. It is ironic that although they justify killing infidels but most of their victims have been fellow muslims of other sects whom they label as infidels and justify their killings. Througout there history they have been friends of Non-Muslims. They will not tolerate any other sect and ideology and donot believe in peaceful co-existence.
It is surprising to see that their approach resembles so closely to Kharjites. Kharjites like Salafis were strict, puratinical muslims, they were opposed to any intellectual interpretations and emphasized literal interpratation, they declared Imam Ali and Mowiya both as infidels and started a violent compaign against other muslims using terror as a weapon. Thus their methodology very closely resembles the present day Wahabis/Salafis.
As I said there would be no problem if they did not resort to violence. Imam Ali stopped his followers from acting against them till they did not resort to violence and did not create fitna. Islam at presnent is at cross-roads and there is a real threat that the Sunni world will be taken over by this ideology. The ideology is growing stronger and stronger and is worrying. Muslims have to decide once for all what they want whether they want diversity with peaceful co-existence where differences are discussed in friendly academic atmosphere with due respect given to other persons opinion even if one does not accept it or they want a violent, society wherein no difference of opinion is tolerated, everyone in disagreement is labelled as infidel with his life, proprty and honour being violated.


  1. As salamu alaykum,

    You said everything perfectly.I agree, Wahabi'ism is on the rise in all Sunni countries and it's very dangerous. Their ideology is not one of peace and it could bring on a situation in Muslim countries we have never faced before. Not only that but people here in the Western world are so attracted to it b/c it's a straight-forward thing, they think oh this is it...this is the Islam I've been searching for because it's supposedly the one that follows the correct Sunnah. And as attractive as that idea may be, people need to do more research before they become brainwashed. And I mean that literally, they brainwash their followers to only take from 'Salafi' scholars and denounce all other sects. Most of their energy is spent denouncing other sects and creating more division in the Ummah than focusing on spiritual matters in Islam. It's ridiculous.

    May Allah hasten our Imam's (as) reappearance! Ameen!!


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